The Siebel provided DAC compare and merge strategy is a nice tool that helps us identify differences between a source DAC repository and the target DAC repository. Also helps to figure out which objects are to be moved to the target.
But, there onwards the merge process is manual and a big waste of time. One cheat used by many administrators is to simply copy the repository from the lower environment to the higher environment. This works, but it has one major drawback. The last ETL process id is inherited from the lower environment. The implication is that the run ids stored in the Run Stats table has no relation to the run number stored in the W_PARAM_G table and it becomes a major challenge to figure out which ETL run did what. Then one has to meddle with the
DAC repository tables to get the last ETL process being stored in the DAC repository in sync with the numbers stored in W_PARAM_G. This is a risky proposition especially if one has not understood the relationships between the repository tables and the significance of all the long keys stored by Siebel in the repository to maintain the relationship between the tables.
So, here is a solution which we have tried out (with success) to move a DAC repository from a lower environment to a higher environment without making a hash of the run history.The basic idea here is to move only few selected tables from the source environment to the target instead of doing a complete repository overwrite.
The steps are as below:
Step 1: Take backup (Export) from Target DAC Repository make it separate folder(Just for Backup)
Step 2: Import Schema DAC repository into to Target DAC repository
Step 3: Export below mention Tables from Source DAC Repository. Make a separate folder which should contain below mention tables (20) only.
Sr. No | Entity | Main Table | 1 | Database Connections | W_ETL_DBCONN | 2 | Database Indices | W_ETL_DB_INDEX | 3 | Database Tables | W_ETL_TABLE_DT | 4 | Execution Plan | W_ETL_DEFN | 5 | Execution Plan—Database Connections | W_ETL_DEFN_DB | 6 | Execution Plan—Subject Area | W_ETL_DEFN_SA | 7 | Execution Plan—Pre-PostSteps | W_ETL_DEFN_STEP | 8 | Group | W_ETL_GROUP | 9 | Group Table | W_ETL_GRP_TBL | 10 | Index Columns | W_ETL_INDEX_COL | 11 | Indices | W_ETL_INDEX | 12 | Informatica Folder | W_ETL_FOLDER | 13 | Tables | W_ETL_TABLE | 14 | Tasks | W_ETL_STEP | 15 | Task Dependencies | W_ETL_STEP_DEP | 16 | Task Phase | W_ETL_PHASE | 17 | Task Tables | W_ETL_STEP_TBL | 18 | Subject Area | W_ETL_SA | 19 | Subject Area/Group | W_ETL_SA_GROUP | 20 | System Properties | W_ETL_SYSPROP |
Step 4: Import this tables into Target DAC Repository.
Step 5: After importing we need to make some changes in the Setup tab, Database connection and informatica server setup in Target DAC Repository.
Step 6: Refresh all dates (for full load)
The steps to refresh are: Tools–>ETL Management–> Reset Data Warehouse
Step 7: Before running Full Load truncate below mentioned tables, please take backup before truncating.
Any better ideas out there?
Inputs from Raghunatha Yadav & Sanjay Rao
you can read it More SiebelDAC
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