1. Process Control – Definition
Process control or Auditing of a workflow in an Informatica is capturing the job information like start time, end time, read count, insert count, update count and delete count. This information is captured and written into table as the workflow executes
2. Structure of Process Control/Audit table
The table structure of process control table is given below,
Table 1: Process Control structure
PROCESS_RUN_ID | Number(p,s) | 11 | A unique number used to identify a specific process run. |
PROCESS_NME | Varchar2 | 120 | The name of the process (this column will be populated with the names of the informatica mappings.) |
START_TMST | Date | 19 | The date/time when the process started. |
END_TMST | Date | 19 | The date/time when the process ended. |
ROW_READ_CNT | Number(p,s) | 16 | The number of rows read by the process. |
ROW_INSERT_CNT | Number(p,s) | 16 | The number of rows inserted by the process. |
ROW_UPDATE_CNT | Number(p,s) | 16 | The number of rows updated by the process. |
ROW_DELETE_CNT | Number(p,s) | 16 | The number of rows deleted by the process |
ROW_REJECT_CNT | Number(p,s) | 16 | The number of rows rejected by the process. |
USER_ID | Varchar2 | 32 | The etl user identifier associated with the process. |
The process control flow has two data flows, one is an insert flow and the other is an update flow. The insert flow runs before the main mapping and update flows runs after the main mapping, this option is chosen in “Target Load Plan”. The source for both the flows could be a dummy source which will return one record as output, for example select ‘process’ from dual or select count(1) from Table_A. The following list of mapping variable is to be created,
- 1. Have “select ‘process’ from dual” as Sequel in source qualifier
- 2. Have a sequence generator to create running process_run_Id ’s
- 3. In an expression SetVariable ($$PROCESS_RUN_ID,NEXTVAL), $$PROCESS_NAME to o_process_name, a output only field
- 4. In an expression assign $$SessionStarttime to o_Starttime, an output only field
- 5. In an expression accept the sequence id from sequence generator
- 6. Insert into target’ process control table’ with all the above three values
START_TMST | 8/23/2009 12:23 |
- 1. After the source qualifier, increment the read count in a variable (v_read_count) for each record been read in an expression and SetMaxVariable ($$READ_COUNT,v_read_count)
- 2. Before the update strategy of target instances, do the same for Insert/Update/Delete counts; all the variables are now set with all their respective counts
- 1. Have “select ‘process’ from dual” as Sequel in source qualifier
- 2. Use SetMaxvariable to get the process_run_id created in insert flow
- 3. In an expression assign $$INSERT_COUNT to an o_insert_count, a output only field, assign all the counts in the same way
- 4. In an expression assign $$SessionEndtime to o_Endtime, an output only field
- 5. Update the target ‘Process Control Table’ with all the above three values where process_run_id equals the process_run_id generated in Insert flow
START_TMST | 8/23/2009 12:23 |
END_TMST | 8/23/2009 12:30 |
ROW_READ_CNT | 1000 |
4. Merits over Informatica Metadata
This information is also available in Informatica metadata, however maintaining this within our system has following benefits,
- Need not write complex query to bring in the data from metadata tables
- Job names need not be mapping names and can be user friendly names
- Insert/Delete/Update counts of all as well as individual target can be audited
- This audit information can be maintained outside the metadata security level and can be used by other mappings in their transformations
- Can be used by mappings that build parameter files
- Can be used by mappings that govern data volume
- Can be used by Production support to find out the quick status of load
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