Monday, June 30, 2008

Missing script for OBIEE Upgrade (7.8.5 to

I did OBIEE upgrade with the help of the document Oracle® Business Intelligence Applications Upgrade Guide Version 7.9 February 2007 b31980.pdf
It was configured successfully but I encountered an error in the process of the final testing by running the provided out of box workflow through informatica. The workflows failed showing an ‘INVALID IDENTIFIER’ error indicating that some of the columns in the warehouse tables were missing. Hence I referred the document again.
As per the document the, warehouse Schema has been upgraded with the following mentioned scripts:-
UPGRADE.ctl script.
790_UPGRADE_PRE_CTL_SCRIPT.sql script.
DW.ctl script.
Though the above mentioned scripts were successfully executed, the workflows failed with the same error ‘INVALID IDENTIFIER’
Hence I figured out that one more script is required to resolve the above problem.
So after running the script placed at OracleBI\DAC\conf\sqlgen\ctl-file\ oracle_bi_dw.ctl
(DDLimp utility) the issue was resolved.
This script contained all the missing columns.
To run the Script use the following command:-
Here DDLimp is the utility provided by Siebel to run this Script.
Execute the following Command in the CMD Prompt:
—-DDLimp /U USER /P PASSWORD /C <Connect string i.e. system DSN> /G SSE_ROLE /I N /R Y
F <Path for the oracle_bi_dw.ctl Script>/L (location where you want to store log file)
U is Database Table owner name.
P is Database Table owner Password.
C is System DSN.
For G, I and R use the Default as given.
F indicates the path of the Script.
L indicates the path were the log file is to be stored.
Finally to my relief the upgrade completed by running the above mentioned script!
Inputs from Alok Chowdhary

Read More about OBIEE Upgrade


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