Friday, January 18, 2008

Take 2: Jolt Session Pooling Continued….

Take 2: Jolt Session Pooling Continued….
In our last blog, we talked about Jolt Session Pooling. That was kind of introduction to this concept I suppose. I am now going much deeper into this parameter to understand how this parameter works with Peoplesoft context (also I am interested to know more about this parameter anyway!)…
A quick look at the web.xml file at PORTAL/WEB-INF folder can give you a list of servlets that Peoplesoft application uses: Some of them are:
  • psc
  • psp
  • cs
  • xmllink
  • PSAttachServlet
  • psreports
  • SchedulerTransfer
  • SyncServer
  • monitor
  • ppmi etc…
I am not going into each and every servlet that Peoplesoft uses and their details. That is out of scope for my explanation here. And, primarily because, I do not know about them neither… However an overall understanding of this will definitely help us to understand the underlying architecture behind the Peoplesoft Internet Architecture.
For each and every servlet that Peoplesoft uses, there exists a definition at web.xml file. For simplicity sake, this file can be treated as Servlet Configuration File and it is an XML file by nature. If you work with weblogic and Java J2EE, they call this file as Deployment Descriptor Elements. I find it hard to remember that way. So, just to keep things easy, consider this web.xml file as Servlet Configuration File created as part of application deployment…
We are talking here for Peoplesoft technology. We dont need that much gory details to know about weblogic (we need to know some basics!). Just basics. A weblogic server has many servlets that is used for processing requests. A servlet basically connects to the Tuxedo using a session pool manager, which assigns a session based on availablity etc. This session is, then, connecting to the Tuxedo system (application server) using Jolt Server.
So, back to our main point.. why JoltPooling needs to be disabled for all the servlet entries in the web.xml file to resolve the “download to excel” button to work… Probably you have guessed it already.
Read More About  Jolt Session Pooling


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