Here are the instant refresher steps for performing a peoplesoft clone.
- The target system – the system to which the Peoplesoft Instance to be cloned.
- The source system – the system from which the Peoplsoft Instance is cloned.
- Oracle Application 9i with the patch at version 7 is installed in the target system.
- Application and Web Server is also installed in the target system
- The Database structure files from PSHOME from the source system is copied to the target system’s separate drive.
- Update the domain names and coordinates in the TNS Listener files
- Configure the application and web server domain names
Points to Ponder
- Before initializing the activity, the very first step would be to shutdown the source database using
- Set Oracle_SID = Domain Name, and
- Connect Sys as Sysdba shutdown immediate
- Shutdown the Application Server in the Source system
- Shutdown the Web Server in the Source system
- Access the Oracle\Oradata\Domainname and copy the *.dat files to the target system
- Make sure all the control files, data files and redo log files are in place in the destination system
- Execute the ‘alter database backup control file to trace’ in the source system
- Make sure that the file is created under Udump folder as a result of the above script
- Make the necessary changes in the file and save it as *.sql
- Copy the parameter file names initdomainname.ora under oracle\ora92\database and edit the coordinates and parameters in order to reflect the target system’s features
- Startup Nomount; and execute the script generated from the source system
- Update PSDBOWNER Set DBNAME =”New Domain Name”
- Use NET Configuration Assistant wizard to configure the listener with the parameters for TNS, Host Name, IP Address, System Name(Target System) and perform a test
- Using the configuration assistant, test for the access of Peoplesoft Application Designer , Data Mover with the same user access credentials of the Source system database
- Configure the Web Server by providing the domain name, Peoplesoft web site name and startPIA.exe; Make sure that the environment variables are also set for JavaHome.