Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Learning Management System drives a Company’s Growth

It was Lewis Hamilton – the young player in the formula one championship who managed a tough fought win against other players in the recently held Hungarian F1 Grand Prix. Looking back into his performance, there are a lot of features that had made him to win the race. Similarily, young players in the corporate world are growing at a pace of 200% when compared to their counterparts. There are a lot of influential aspects for a company’s growth, one being their talent of maintaining the talent pool and the other by nurturing their talent pool. Yes,…It is achieved by Training, Knowledge Sharing, Mentoring, and Self-Learning by their employees. One of the aspects that drives these activities is the Learning Management System that the company uses. It’s the LMS (acronym for Learning Management System) that drives the growth of an organisation.
Lets have a look at the Docent Enterprise Suite which was rated as the leader in the Learning Management System by Gartner a couple of years ago. The suite comprises of Learning Management System – LMS, Content Delivery System – CDS, Authoring Tool – Docent Outliner, take care of the learning activity as well as the performance evaluation of a particular or group of people within an organisation.
Friends, I have just given a gist about the Docent – Learning Managment System. Leave me your queries as a comment to continue further discussion about the system


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