Hello Booglers,
From this Blog onwards we are going to see more in detail about Business Objects Administration and Best practices.
Let us start with timeout settings. As we started moving from 2-tier to 3-tier architecture (DeskI to WebI), the role of timeout becomes significant as it is associated with reports running time.This post will be handy for those who struggle with the timeout issue and various methods to apply itin a Business Objects Enterprise deployment.
Timeout can be configured at the below levels.
1. Designer level
In Designer Application Go to: File > Parameters > Controls
Configure the Limit execution time to setting which limits how long the SQL query is allowed to execute. This hasgreatimpact on reports that contain multiple queries.
Universe Parameters
2. Web Application Server level (Tomcat)
- In the Business Objects Installation server go to Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\warfiles\WebApps \InfoViewApp\WEB-INF
- Open web.xml in a text editor.
- Change the session-timeout value to the one desired. The default value is 20 minutes.
<!– 20 minutes for session objects –>
Similarly, modify web.xml on the following folders:
- AdminTools– for Query Builder
- CmcApp– for CMC
- CrystalReports– for Crystal reports
- InfoViewAppActions – for Infoview
3. Central Management Console
Go to: Home > Servers > Web Intelligence Processing Server > Properties
You can configure various timeout setting heresuch as cache timeout, idle document timeout, Idle Connection timeout.Configure these values to the desired.
Similarly, modify settings for Desktop Intelligence Processing Server and Crystal Reports Processing Server.
And finally configure the Auto-save time delay option for Web Intelligence under Business Objects Applications.
4. Central Configuration Manager
Go to: CCM > Web Intelligence Report Server > Properties > Command
Add “-RequestTimeoutxxx” to its command line (where xxx is the duration in milliseconds)
Configure this value to the desired one(for 60 minutes the value would be 3600000).
Similarly, modify settings for Web Intelligence Report Server.
Hope this will be useful for timeout setting in your BOE deployment.
Watch out this space as more to come on BOE Administration. Keep reading!