Friday, May 27, 2011

Windows AD authentication for Business Objects using Kerberos – Part II

This is our continuation of our SSO configuration from starting from SIA configuration.
4.     Configuring the Server Intelligence Agent to use the service account
In order to support Kerberos, Server Intelligence Agent must be configured in CCM to log on as the service account:
To configure a Server Intelligence Agent
1)  Start the CCM.
2)  Stop the Server Intelligence Agent.
3)  Double-click the Server Intelligence Agent and the Properties dialog box is displayed.
4)  On the Properties tab:
  • In the Log On As area, deselect the System Account check box.
  • Enter the user name and password for the service account.
  • Click Apply, and click OK.
5)       Start the server again.
5.     Configure the AD plug-in
In order to support Kerberos, we have to configure the Windows AD security plug-in the CMC to use Kerberos authentication.

To configure the Windows AD security plug-in for Kerberos

  • Go to the Authentication management area of the CMC and Click the Windows AD tab.
  • Ensure that the Windows Active Directory Authentication is enabled check box is selected.
  • In the Windows AD Configuration Summary area of the page, click the link beside AD Administration Name.
  • Enter the credentials that have read access to Active Directory in the Name and Password fields.
Use the format Domain\Account in the Name field LIKE NA\ BOLab-Admin.
  • Enter the default domain in the Default AD Domain field.
Use FQDN format and enter the domain in uppercase, here it is NA.HEXAWARE.COM
  • In the Mapped AD Member Group area, enter the name of an AD group whose users require access to Business Objects Enterprise, and then click Add.
  • In the Authentication Options area, select Use Kerberos authentication.
  • In the Service Principal Name field, enter the account and domain of the service account or the SPN mapping to the service account which was created
  • Click Update
6.     Configure Tomcat web.xml file
Modify the web.config file to ensure Windows authentication is enabled.
To configure InfoView for AD authentication mode, configure the web.config file in the
\Tomcat55\webapps\InfoViewApp\WEB-INF directory.
Edit the web.xml. Then, change the authentication default value to secWinAD.
7.     Configure the Krb5AuthLoginModule and krb5.ini
Create a folder in C:\WINNT to store the following two files:
  1. krb5.ini
  2. bscLogin.conf
The contents of the krb5.ini and the bscLogin.conf were the following:
Note: 1. This should be done on all computers that run application servers.
2.  KDC is the Domain Controller(s) of the particular domain.
8.     Configure the Tomcat Java option
Launch the Tomcat Configuration program & add the following Java command in the Java Optionsof the Java tab.\WINNT\bscLogin.conf C:\WINNT \krb5.ini
Hope this will be useful for Kerberos based windows AD authentication. Feel free to get back to me in case of any issues. I am privileged to helping you all. Happy Blogging!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Windows AD authentication for Business Objects using Kerberos

Hi All,
Hope you continue to read our Series of blogs. Let me discuss something about Single Sign-on implementation in Business Objects in this blog.
Configuring Windows Active Directory SSO with the SAP BusinessObjects XI 3.1 is one of the challenges for a Business Objects Administrator. If you go with java based BO deployment, utmost care should be taken as Java is case sensitive.

What is Single sign-on?

Single sign-on (SSO) is a user authentication process that permits a user to enter one name and password to access multiple applications. This authenticates the user for all the applications they have been given rights to and eliminates further prompts.

Role of Kerberos in SSO

Kerberos is a network authentication protocol designed to provide strong authentication for client/server applications by using secret-key cryptography where a user authenticates to an authentication server that creates a ticket. This ticket is actually sent to the application which can recognize the ticket and the user is granted access.

This blog refers

TESTSERVER - BusinessObjects server installed with Windows 2008 server. The version is XI 3.1 SP3
ADSERVER – Active Directory server installed with Windows 2003 server. Its Domain Functional Level is 2003.
BOLAB-ADMIN – Service Account used to run Business Objects Service.

Steps for configuring Windows AD authentication

Below is the general overview of the steps, which are required to configure the Business objects windows authentication using Kerberos.
  • Setting up a service account
  • Configure the service account rights
  • Register Service Principle Name (SPN)
  • Configuring the Server Intelligence Agent to use the service account
  • Configure the AD plug-in
  • Configure Tomcat web.xml file
  • Configure the Krb5AuthLoginModule and krb5.ini
  • Configure the Tomcat Java option

Setting up a service account

To configure Business Objects Enterprise using Kerberos and Windows AD authentication, we require a service account which should be a domain account that has been trusted for delegation. We can either use an existing domain account or create a new domain account. The service account will be used to run the Business Objects Enterprise servers.
Setting up a service account with delegation on a Windows 2003 Domain
  • Create an account on the domain controller or use an existing account.
  • Right-click on the user accounts, then select Properties.
  • Click the Delegation tab.
    • Select the Trust this user for delegation to any service(Kerberos Only

1.     Configure the service account rights

In order to support the Active Directory authentication, you must grant the service account the right to act as part of the operating system and log on as a service. This must be done on each machine running the Server Intelligence Agent Service.
To configure this
1. Click Start -> Administrative Tools -> Local Security Policy
2. Then Local Policies and then click User Rights Assignment.
3. Double-click Act as part of the operating system and click Add User or Group button.
4. Add the user account that has been trusted for delegation and clicked OK.
5. Double-click Logon as service and click Add and click Add User or Group button.
6. Add the user account that has been trusted for delegation and clicked OK.
In order to support Kerberos, we must grant the service account the right to act as part of the operating system. This must be done on each machine running the below servers:
  • CMS
  • Page Server
  • Report Application Server
  • Web Intelligence Report Server

Adding the Service account to the Administrators Group

  • On the desired machine, right-click My Computer and then click Manage.
  • Go to Configuration > Local Users and Groups > Groups.
  • Right-click Administrators and then click Add to Group
  • Click Add… and enter the logon name of the service account.
  • Click Check Names to ensure the account resolves.
  • Click Ok and then click OK again.
  • Repeat these steps for each Business Objects server that has to be configured.

2.     Register Service Principle Name (SPN)

If you are deploying Business Objects Services in a network that uses the Kerberos protocol for mutual authentication, you must create a Service Principal Name (SPN) for the Business Objects services if you configure it to run as a domain user account. The SETSPN utility is a program that allows managing the Service Principal Name (SPN) for service accounts in Active Directory.
  • Open a command prompt and enter this command:

SETSPN.exe –A BOBJCentralMS/HOSTNAME serviceaccount

Replace HOSTNAME with the fully qualified domain name of the machine running the CMS service, for example Testserver.NA.HEXAWARE.COM. Replace service account with the name of the service account that runs the CMS service. In this case it is BOLab-Admin.
  • Once run, we should receive a message similar to the below:
Registering ServicePrincipalNames for CN=ServiceCMS, CN=Users, DC=DOMAIN, DC=COM BOBJCentralMS/HOSTNAME.DOMAIN.COM Updated object
To get a listing of what is currently registered for the account.
SETSPN.exe –L BOLab-Admin
I will discuss more about the subsequent steps in the upcoming blog.
Read More about  Windows AD Authentication

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

SAP TAO 1.0 Vs SAP TAO 2.0

The features of SAP TAO 2.0 is listed  with updated information and it is compared with the older version of SAP TAO 1.0
Modules :
Import/Export and
Configuration Tab :
It contains the following tabs:
It does not have UI scanner in this tab
Solution Manager is mandatory for license only
Process flow analyzer is not available
Repository is not available
Change Analyzer is not available
Modules :
Process flow Analyzer
Change Analyzer
Self Check
Configuration Tab :
It contains the following tabs:
Inspect :
Execute libraries line, Component type (both Get, Set).
UI Scanner is also available along with Inspect
Solution Manager is mandatory for PFA, Change Analyzer, Repository, Inspect and license
PFA is available
1.It records user interactions and the sequence of screens to execute a business process, in the SAP TAO repository.
2. It automates inspection and creation of the test components and a parameterized draft transition test case.
3. It automatically creates the data table spreadsheet with the DT columns and values used during the recording process.
Repository is available
The SAP Test Acceleration and optimization repository is a part of the SAP Solution Manger system and is used to store:
1.User interaction and sequence of the screens in a business process. 2.Information specific to SAP Test Acceleration and Optimization that cannot be retrieved by other tools.
3.Results or states during process flow analysis, before the components are created.
Change Analyzer is available
It helps you to analyze the impact of changes due to upgrades, SAP patches or Custom development on a test, components or consolidated component 
Read More about  SAP TAO 1.0 Vs SAP TAO 2.0