Thursday, July 8, 2010

Marketing Automation in B2B – Separating the Wheat from the Chaff

The B2B landscape in its inherent form is a complex jar of beans primarily because the initial connection needs lots of nurturing with the right mix of appropriate communication to ensure the “best weather” for sales interaction. Marketers not only have to measure outcomes right up to revenue but also find the “sweet spot” for marketing and sales to drum up the right notes.
The year 2009 and the first half of 2010 saw a marked shift towards marketing automation worldwide. All of this has helped channelize information and reach out to prospects better, yet it is pertinent to note the today’s internet savvy prospect is also armed with qualifying information about your brand, your products and your competitors as never before. To get inside the mind of the B2B buyer, marketers not only need to understand his intent from his digital body language but also ensure that automated lead generation processes in place scale up in terms of the following pertinent factors at any point of time.
  • Are lead recycling programs in place for not-sales-ready leads?
  • Has social media, inbound marketing and marketing automation been integrated seamlessly?
  • Is your marketing communication supported by buyer-centric collaterals that help the buyer decide in your favor?
  • Has your data been data washed and scrubbed clean?
  • Does your web metrics provide actionable information for user profiling and conversion?
  • Are sales and marketing on the same latitude to proving your prospect the best buying experience?
  • Does your Social media spin influence the markets conversation about your brand effectively?
  • Is your opt-in list getting fresh brew in the form of persuasive communication and supporting newsletter value?
  • Is your marketing funnel measurable and process definitions flexible to innovation?
  • How effective is your conversation model, does it ensure that you are at top of mind when prospects decide to bite the bait?
  • Are you able to capitalize on marketing automation’s great benefit – reporting effectively and use it as a strategic tool?
  • Does your data-centric marketing plans lead the way for greater customer intelligence since value of data will not be a constant ?
The above are just a few important cogs that can make or break your lead generation wheel. As marketers brace themselves to capitalize on marketing automation to enhance pipeline opportunities, trends all point to an explosive growth in marketing automation adoption. It is highly imperative that automation vendors provide more sophisticated reporting, better sales engagement processes and social media integration.
To help marketing efficiently separate the wheat from the chaff, marketing automation should not just serve as a driver of operational efficiency but more importantly enhance continuity of dialogue with prospects throughout the decision making/buying cycle at all relevant touch points.
Ultimately it is all about the harvest – the pipeline and revenue, the executive leadership would not mind how you do it.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Oracle Internet Directory LDAP Relpica States in Fusion Middleware 11g

Oracle Internet Directory LDAP Relpica States in Fusion Middleware 11g (11.1.1)

In the Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g Documentation (I think I was referring to Version 11.1.1 of the doco), you can find OID Administrator’s Guide. As the name suggests, this is the top most important and valuable guide for Oracle Internet Directory Administrators. I think I have read most of this guide already. However I still refer this guide, since there is a lot of information provided in this guide (and it is a reference guide too).
I want to write about the LDAP Replica states mentioned in the Appendix D (How Replication Works) of this Guide. In Fusion middleware, Oracle provides lot of details about Oracle Internet Directory Replication. Earlier this information was scattered around the Oracle Support Website and was difficult to find. Now, I think Oracle collected most of this information in this guide.
If you are working or supporting or planning to implement an OID Replication High Availability environment, then you should be familiar with this section of the topic in the guide. This replica states information will be useful if you are running LDAP Based Replica (Just to refresh your memory, there are two types of Replication possible, ASR based and LDAP Based – ASR is based on Ddatabase Links, while LDAP based replication uses a LDAP Client process).

orclReplicaState Attribute

orclReplicaState attribute stores the Replication State for the LDAP Based Replication Replica. You can check the current Replica State of the OID using the ldapsearch command. (In a Live System that uses LDAP based replication, it will be set to the numeric value of 1 – which means it is in online state).
You need to run the following LDAPSEARCH and check the orclreplicastate attribute as shown below. Please make sure to replace values for the arguments specific to your site, I just gave an example.
ldapsearch -h localhost -p 389 -D cn=orcladmin -w password -b “orclreplicaid=local_replica_ID, cn=replication configuration” -s sub objectclass=*
You need to check the value of the orclreplicastate in the output. Alternatively, you can get the orclreplicastate attribute value directly as shown below example:
ldapsearch -h localhost -p 389 -D cn=orcladmin -w password -b “orclreplicaid=local_replica_ID, cn=replication configuration” -s sub objectclass=* orclreplicastate
The local_replica_ID is specific to your installation, normally it is machine_database. You can check the value using a ldapsearch query as shown below.
Ldapsearch Argument Description:
-hHostname or IP Address of the LDAP Directory ServerI used localhost since I am running this command on the same server where OID is running.
-pPort Number for the LDAP Directory, default LDAP port is 389, LDAPS port is 636.If you use the port 636, then you should define the –U argument.
-DBind DN – LDAP DN for connecting to LDAP Directory
-wPassword for the Bind DN – It is site specific.
-bBase DN for the search – here it starts from the top.
-s baseSearch Scope is base (other values are sub and one)

orclReplicaState possible values in 11g

There are 9 LDAP Replica States mentioned in this guide (In 10g OID, there are only 7 LDAP Replica states, it looks like Oracle added two more LDAP Replica states in 11.1.1). As I mentioned earlier, in a normal production system which uses LDAP based replication, the orclreplicastate will be set to the value of 1 automatically during the start of the replication server first time.
Let’s list the LDAP replica states:
LDAP Replica StateDescription
0Bootstrap - This is one of the important Value. You can setup a new LDAP based consumer replica using this value. Lets talk about it in next blog
1Online – For regular replication processing.
3Bootstrap in progress
4Bootstrap in progress + cn=orclcontext completed
5Bootstrap completed with failures
6Database based
7Sync Schema only (Not Data)
8Bootstrap without schema sync (Only Data)
In a LDAP replication with high-availability environment, it is a must that you should understand these values and their significance. Let’s talk about these values and how we can exploit this attribute and their values in the coming blogs. Until then